General development update and viewmodel preview

Hi everyone once again,

I know it's been a while, but well, I've been pretty busy, and I had some issues that made me spend less time in the game. I'll talk about that later.

Right now I'm currently working on the animations that the player's arms will have for each item. By that, I mean the player viewmodel animations. The arms took a while to model, but for now they work just fine. The thing is, since I can't currently animate the arms rig through the game engine (godot), I need to animate them from Blender (3d software I use) and then export them, which creates issues. The model's animations just get messed up when using them inside of the game engine, specifically in the scene that contains the arms themselves. 

This may be a bit technical but I'm mainly talking about it because I've had this issue for a while, and I have no idea how to fix it. If anyone knows how to fix it, I would really appreciate any help. (You can help me through here: don't worry about the link, it's just that I've talked about the issue on the game engine's forums)

The hands are actually holding something, but I want to keep it a secret for now

Aside from that, I've also worked on the ambience, which has harder than I expected because most of the stuff I did felt pretty generic. The main thing I tried to do was making the ambience feel in place. My main inspirations for this part of the project were Silent Hill 3 and Cry of Fear, and, as you can imagine, these games do  pretty well job at making ambiences. Also, yesterday I discussed with friends that are currently helping in the development on the game the possibility of having voice acted dialogues in the game. We haven't made a decision yet, but for my part, I would like to add these dialogues. 

That's it for now, I know the progress hasn't been that noticeable, but it's mainly because of that issue I mentioned before.  Anyway, thanks for reading, and see you on the next devlog ^^

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