Weekly Devlog 21


  • Improved monster sounds
  • Added footstep sounds for:
    • Dirt
    • Grating
  • Added river flow sound


  • Added muzzle flash
  • Fixed rain so it followed the player
  • Implemented a trigger that disables player's main light source for the sake of progression
  • Improved second monster's attack system
  • Added a way to avoid a monster attack


  • Modeled phone
  • Added all the animations for the phone
    • Pick up
    • Hang Up
    • On Call


  • Fixed a bug where monsters rotates on the x axis (they tilted because they were looking at the player's head, so if you were jumping, they would rotate, which made them float basically)
  • You can dodge a certain enemy attack


  • Almost finished scene 8 map
    • Including the map itself and all the decorations

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