Weekly Devlog 22


  • Finished scene 8 Map
    • Triggers
    • Modeling
    • Lights
    • Ending
  • Started modeling Scene 9


  • Improved player detection

    • Monsters detect player in a much more stable way
    • After a ton of weeks, monsters now smoothly rotate when looking at the player


  • Modeled save point (object that lets you save the game)
    • Made created sound effect for it (so player can notice it)
    • Click SFX
  • Added wood door SFX


  • Added footstep triggers to change footstep depending on surface on newer scenes
  • Animated secret (?) cutscene

Btw, next week I'll be on vacation on a place where I won't have acces to my computer, that means I won't workon the game as much. Still, the place I'm going to will be a great source of inspiration, so I'll mostly be working on places and overall progression of the game till the end.

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