Weekly Devlog 35


  • Scene 12 gameplay finished
    • By gameplay, I mean that this stuff has been done:
      • Pickups
      • Monsters
      • Lights
      • Navigation Mesh
    • The only thing left is the ambience
    • Also improved some stuff in the previous area (had to sync some events so they played out properly)

  • Scene 13 started - FINAL SCENE
    • Modeled initial part
      • (Based on a real place)
      • Used a lot of new textures
      • Already thought of pickups and overall decorations
      • Ambience is being worked on
    • Started modeling area before bossfight
      • The render below shows how that part starts, but I plan to make it quite long so it works as a buildup for the end


  • Created some animations to make the otherworld scenes feel more "alive"
  • Already started designing final boss, its mechanics and the area where you fight in

In general, the rest of the game is already planned, and development is near the end. After finishing Scene 13, the ony thing left to do would be the save mechanic, improving the storytelling and adding missing voice lines.



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